Corporate Sponsors

Thank you for all of your support in by suppling the location, materials, water and help. We couldn't have done it without you!

6724 Penn Ave S, Richfield MN (612) 798-3514

Thank you for being such a great community member and providing our car wash volunteers with great food throughout the day. It was greatly appreciated by all!

6736 Penn Ave S, Richfield MN (612) 869-4040

Thank you for providing bagels to the swimmers and divers after the meet. The boys are hungry after a long day and really appreciate it!

7801 Southtown Center, Bloomington, MN (952) 703-0443

Thank you for providing the Boys Swim & Dive with such a fun and delicious fundraisser opportunity!

9424 Lyndale Ave S, Bloomington, MN (612) 354-3245